The Ultimate Writing Tool for Bloggers

Scrivener Helps You Pull It All Together Ever wondered how in blazes you capture, organize and store all your ideas for blog posts so you always have access to them and can quickly find them and start writing? And secondarily, but perhaps even more importantly, do you pine for a program that works with you instead of […]
New MacBook Air: As Good As the Hype?

I recently unboxed and set up Apple’s new MacBook Air and I must say I was prepared to be unimpressed. Why? I had heard others say it was underpowered and it was actually too thin. Ha, figure that. Others had complained that there was no DVD/CD drive and no ethernet port so it’s crippled. So […]
How to Recover a Hacked Gmail Account

Recently a friend called and left a panicked voicemail telling me someone in South Africa was sending email from their Gmail account and asking for $2000 cash from all their friends. I told them it sounded like their Gmail account was cracked and we needed to move quickly. It was and we did. Here’s What […]
How to Crash-Proof Your Digital Life

Your hard drive just crashed and you lost everything… 10 years of family photos, movies, spreadsheets with all your sales figures, email, music and more were instantly consigned to nothingness. Worst of all, much of it was irreplaceable. And now it’s gone, as in gnashing-of-teeth-&-rending-of-garments gone. Usually when this happens I get a panicked call […]
Need a New External Hard Drive?

Note: I updated this post on 28 September 2008 to reflect new options and better prices. I’ve been needing a new external hard drive myself for a while now and after considerable research and deliberation, I selected one that did the trick. This drive is by Fantom and the reviews are consistently very good. The […]
Fast, Bargain Windows Computer
Sometimes you just need a fast, cheap computer and you need it yesterday. And when I say cheap, I mean cheap; I mean as little as you can possibly pay, but still well built and with support that actually answers the phone. We’re assuming here that a Mac is out of the question for various […]
100 Blank CD-Rs for About $20
Updated: 3 November 2009 I needed some more basic CDs for burning and found these Verbatim CD-Rs which are very reliable and burn at their rated speed of 52x, unlike many other brand-name CDs which we shan’t mention. 🙂 About $20 for a spindle of 100 CDs. (Note that these are your standard shiny surface […]
Getting Things Done is Getting Things Done!
I’ve been going through it. I’m planning on doing the entire 16 hour transformation about 10 days from today and I can’t wait. There are some podcasts that really make it even easier to wrap your head around how this works and what you can expect—also hints and examples. Merlin Mann’s 43 Folders also covers […]
Canon PowerShot A2000 IS 10.0 MP
OK, back when I bought my digicam I researched it all for 3 months and finally chose the Canon Powershot 7 MP (megapixel) version. Then they came out with a 10 MP version and I was bummed, but not too much since it was a lot more expensive. Well now the IMPROVED 10 Mpixel version […]